Check out the badges you can earn in Better Impact!

Administrator Badge
This badge indicates the amount of years you’ve been an Administrator within Better Impact software.

Agency Badge
This badge indicates the amount of years your agency has been a part of the Better Impact family.

Ambassador Badge
Have you mentioned us at a conference? Shown someone or talked about how you use our software? Have you been a reference for someone considering becoming a member? This badge is to say thanks for spreading the word about our software with your peers.
If you’ve done this and we don’t have your badge showing, just let us know in the form on the bottom of this page, and we’ll make it right

E-Learning Badge
Have you created a useful eLearning Module that could easily be used by some of the other members? You can help them out by saving them time, simply by sharing your eLearning module.
Go to Configuration >> eLearning Modules, run your mouse over the options icon to the left of the module you would like to share and click “Submit to Library”.

Buddies Badge
Better Impact Buddies are users of our software that would like to help other users of our software.
Buddies are not expected to answer technical, how-to questions about the software (because we are happy to do that). They offer their advice and share their experiences with their peers facing similar situations. Look for Better Impact Buddies under your Main menu tab. (Please note the some administrators may not have access to this as per configuration settings by their organization.)

Multiple Modules Badge
You can earn this badge by having multiple Better Impact modules. Our modules can be dovetailed brilliantly when you use more than one.

Plus Account Badge
You can earn this badge by upgrading to a Plus subscription. Take advantage of additional features and benefits with a Plus subscription.

Reviewer Badge
You know how important reviews are these days. You can help others decide if Better Impact software is right for them by sharing your experiences in working with us.
If you only have a minute or two, you can rate us on a scale of 1-5 and leave a quick comment on TrustPilot.
If you’d like to share something more comprehensive, you can do so at G2Crowd.

Security Badge
The Security badge will be given to administrators that have turn on two factor authentication in their profile.

Champion Badge
The Champion badge will be given to those who complete our 5 week Champions training program designed for those members who are passionate about strengthening and expanding the Better Impact community through their willingness to share knowledge or host groups allowing other members or potential members to learn how to better engage their volunteers, donors and members using Better Impact.
If you'd like to sign-up for the Champions training program click here.